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Project publications

Articles and book chapters


Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Jokinen, A. & Tapaninaho, R. 2022. Stakeholder engagement in the generation of urban ecosystem services: The case of the Vuores stormwater system. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, online first. DOI: 10.1177/22779779221079484 (available as Open Access)

Kujala, J., Sachs, S., Leinonen, H., Heikkinen, A. & Laude, D. 2022. Stakeholder engagement: Past, present, and future. Business & Society, online first. DOI: 10.1177/00076503211066595 (available as Open Access)

Lehtimäki, H., Heikkinen, A. & Kujala, J. 2022. Editorial: Case Study Method in Addressing Sustainable Innovation in Business and Management. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, online first. DOI: 10.1177/22779779221080577

Sihvo Matikainen, L. 2022. Addressing sustainability in the mining Industry through stakeholder engagement. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, online first. DOI: 10.1177/22779779221078673 (available as Open Access)


Blomberg, A., Heikkinen, A. & Kujala, J. 2021. Sidosryhmävuorovaikutus kestävän liiketoiminnan mahdollistajana [Stakeholder engagement enabling sustainable business]. In Eräranta, K. & Penttilä, V. (Eds.) Vastuullinen viestintä. Helsinki: ProComma Academic. pp. 60–75. (available as Open Access)

Gonzalez-Porras, L., Heikkinen, A. & Kujala, J. 2021. Understanding stakeholder influence: Lessons from a controversial megaproject. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2/3, 191–213. (available as Open Access)

Gonzalez-Porras, L., Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J. & Tapaninaho, R. 2021. Stakeholder engagement in sustainability transitions. In Teerikangas, S., Onkila, T., Koistinen, K. & Mäkelä, M. (Eds.) Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 214–229. (available as Open Access)

Heikkinen, A., Tapaninaho, R., Kujala, J. & Saramäki, E. 2021. Multidimensional value creation in stakeholder collaboration: A case of green roofs in Finland. In Piispanen, V.-V., Dey, A. K. & Mishra, S. (Eds.) Case Studies on Perspectives on Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. pp. 11–19



Mattila, M., Mesiranta, N., & Heikkinen, A. 2020. Platform-based sustainable business models: reducing food waste in food services. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 24(4/5), 249–265.

Tapaninaho R., Kujala J. 2020. Stakeholder Value Creation: Legitimating Business Sustainability. In: Rendtorff J.D. (eds) Handbook of Business Legitimacy. Springer, Cham.



Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J., & Inha, M. 2019. Stakeholder engagement in a non-profit organisation: An issue-based perspective. International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management, 19(1), 5-20.

Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J., Jokinen, A., Nieminen, J., & Kaukonen, A. 2019. Case green roofs in Finland: Green roof standard formation as a social process. In Dey, A. K. & Lehtimäki, Hanna. Evolving Business Models in Ecosystem of Disruptive Technologies and Social Media. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 182–192.

Heikkinen, A., Mäkelä, H., Kujala, J., Nieminen, J., Jokinen, A., & Rekola, H. 2019. Urban ecosystem services and stakeholders: Towards a sustainable capability approach. In Bonnedahl, K. J. & Heikkurinen, P. (eds.) Strongly Sustainable Societies. Organising Human Activities on a Hot and Full Earth. New York, NY: Routledge, 116-133 Pdf file OA article.

Heikkinen, A., Nieminen, J., Kujala, J., Mäkelä, H., Jokinen, A., & Lehtonen, O. 2019. Stakeholder Engagement in the Generation of Urban Ecosystem Services. In Kangas, A., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Lönnqvist, A., Laihonen, H., Bethwaite, J. (eds.) Leading Change in a Complex World: Transdisciplinary Perspectives. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 29-44   PDF file OA article

Jokinen, A. & Heikkinen, A. 2019.  Pääkirjoitus: Luontopohjaiset ratkaisut: käsitteen vakiintumisen reittejä. Alue & Ympäristö, 48(2), 1–4. (PDF OA Article:

Jokinen, A., Kujala, J., Haapaniemi, L., & Heikkinen, A. 2019. Eco-innovation of a power line company to mitigate ecological impacts. In Dey, A. K. & Lehtimäki, H. Evolving Business Models in Ecosystem of Disruptive Technologies and Social Media. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 112–125.

Kangas, A., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Lönnqvist, A., Laihonen, H., & Bethwaite, J. (Eds.) 2019. Leading Change in a Complex World: Transdisciplinary Perspectives. Tampere: Tampere University Press   PDF file OA book

Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Nieminen, J., Jokinen, A., Lehtonen, O., Tapaninaho, R., Mäkelä, H. (2019). Engaging with the natural environment: Examining the premises of nature-inclusive stakeholder relationships and engagement. Teoksessa Ceranic Salinas, Tara; VanSandt, Craig V.; Van Maanen, Ryan (toim.) Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society: Border Crossing : Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Meeting: International Association for Business and Society, 73–81. (International Association for Business and Society. Proceedings 30). 

Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Nieminen, J., Jokinen, A., Lehtonen, O., Tapaninaho, R. & Mäkelä, H. 2019. Stakeholder interests in ecosystem services. Case Vuores stormwater system. In Day, A. K. & Lehtimäki, H. Evolving Business Models in Ecosystem of Disruptive Technologies and Social Media. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 136–146.

Kujala, J., Lehtimäki, H. & Freeman, R. E. 2019. A stakeholder approach to value creation. In Kangas, A., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Lönnqvist, A. & Laihonen, H. (eds.) Leadership for Change. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 123-143.  PDF file OA article

Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. 2019. The practice of stakeholder engagement. In Harrison, J. S., Barney, J. B., Freeman, R. E. & Phillips, R. A. (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Stakeholder Theory.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 227–241. 

​​Tapaninaho, R. & Kujala, J. 2019. Reviewing the stakeholder value creation literature: Towards a sustainability approach. In Leal Filho, W. (ed.) Social Responsibility and Sustainability: How Businesses and Organizations Can Operate in a Sustainable and Socially Responsible Way? Dordrecht: Springer, 3-36. Open access

Tapaninaho, R. & Lähde, E. 2019. Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation for Green Infrastructure: Creating Sustainable Value. In Day, A. K. & Lehtimäki, H. Evolving Business Models in Ecosystem of Disruptive Technologies and Social Media. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 169–181.


Nieminen, J. & Jokinen, A. 2018. Hulevesi muuttaa kaupunkia: infrastruktuuri suhteiden rakentamisena [Stormwater changes the city:  infrastructure as relational work]. Tiede & Edistys 43(2), 129-144. Link to abstract.


Dmytriyev, S., Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. 2017. A pragmatist perspective on management scholarship and on stakeholder engagement in particular. In Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. (eds.) Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases. Dordrecht: Springer, 391–400.

Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J., & Sachs, S. (eds.) 2017. Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases. Dordrecht: Springer.

Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J., Sachs, S. & Stutz, C. 2017. Stakeholder engagement: Practicing the ideas of stakeholder theory. In Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. (eds.) Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases. Dordrecht: Springer, 1–12.

Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J., Laine, M. & Mäkelä, H. 2017. Discourse analysis as a method for business ethics and corporate responsibility research. In Werhane, P. H., Freeman, R. E. & Dmytriyev, S. (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Research Approaches to Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 138–153.

Kujala, J. 2017. Vastuu johtaa: Sidosryhmäsuhteet ja vastuullisuus johtamisessa. Hallinnon tutkimus, 36(4), 284–287.

Kujala, J. & Korhonen, A. 2017. Value creating stakeholder relationships in the context of CSR. In Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. (eds.) Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases. Dordrecht: Springer, 63–85.

Kujala, J., Lehtimäki, H. & Myllykangas, P. 2017. Value co-creation in stakeholder relationships: A case study. In Freeman, R. E., Kujala, J. & Sachs, S. (eds.) Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases. Dordrecht: Springer, 15–30.

Edited books and special issues

Lehtimäki, H., Heikkinen, A. & Kujala, J. (Eds.). 2022. Special issue: Sustainable Innovation in Business and Management. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, online first.


Jokinen, A. & Heikkinen, A. (Eds.) 2019. Teemanumero: Luontopohjaiset ratkaisut. (Special issue: Nature-based solutions). Alue ja Ympäristö, 48(2).



Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, CRRC 2019 Conference, 11.-13.9.2019, Tampere, Finland

​Special tracks and working groups in conferences


Special track "Stakeholders and the natural environment", CRRC 2019 Conference, 12.9.2019, Tampere, Finland



Sub-theme "Stakeholders and the Natural Environment", CRRC 2018 Conference, 11-12.9.2018 Leeds, UK


Työryhmä "Kestävä kehitys kaupungeissa: Hallinnon, yritysten ja asukkaiden yhteistoiminta kaupunkiympäristöjen tuottamisessa", Hallinnon ja kuntatutkimuksen tiedepäivät, 15.-17.11.2017, Tampere Finland (This conference and workshop are organised in Finnish)


Special track "Business, Stakeholders and Urban Nature", EBEN AC 2017 Conference, 14.-16.6.2017, Jyväskylä Finland

Special track "Urban Wildernesses: new paradigms of conservation", HopefulNESS 2017 Conference, 6.-8.6.2017, Tampere Finland

Publications for professional communities and the general public


HEIKKINEN, A. 2019. Opinion: Myös eettiset syyt motivoivat yritysten ilmastotoimintaa (Ethical motivations to business climate change engagement). Helsingin Sanomat, 18 March 2019.

Heikkinen, A. 2019. Idea viherkatosta kuihtuu usein pelkoihin (Fears holding back green roof construction). UNIT, 2/2019.

Heikkinen, A. & Nieminen, J. 2019. Enhancing campus biodiversity with students, staff and other campus users. Nordic Sustainable Campus Network blog, published 13.5.2019.


Heikkinen, A. 2018. Hulevedet rikastavat kaupunkiluontoa (Stormwaters enrich urban nature), Aikalainen 27.2.1018.



Kortetmäki, T., Jokinen, A. & Heikkinen, A. 2020. Nonhuman nature in stakeholder theory: The recognition approach. Responsible Business Research Seminar, 11.3.2020, Tampere University, Finland.


Fiandrino, S., Heikkinen, A., Mäkelä, H., Busso, D. & Kujala, J. 2019. Business-stakeholder-nature relations: a comparison between Finland and Italy. 14th Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 12.–13.9.2019, Tampere, Finland. 

Heikkinen, A. 2019. Stakeholder relationships in the generation of urban nature. Current Issues in Stakeholder Research seminar, 20.11.2019, Tampere University, Finland.

Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J., Jokinen, A., Nieminen, J. & Kaukonen, A. 2019. Green roof standard formation: Negotiating between the market and ecological interests. Responsible Business Research Seminar 13.–14.3.2019. Tampere University, Finland.

Heikkinen, A. & Mäkelä, H. 2019. Business to Nature: Creating urban nature in stakeholder collaboration. Research seminar 10.5.2019, Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Denmark.

Heikkinen, Anna, Kujala, Johanna & Mäkelä, Hannele 2019. Engaging with the natural environment as a stakeholder. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 9.–13.8.2019, Boston, USA.


Kujala, Johanna & Heikkinen, Anna 2019. Qualitative methods. Summer Seminar in Stakeholder Theory, 31.7.–6.8.2019, Charlottesville, USA.


Kujala, Johanna, Heikkinen, Anna, Nieminen, Jere, Jokinen, Ari, Tapaninaho, Riikka & Mäkelä, Hannele 2019. Engaging with the natural environment: Examining the premises of nature-inclusive stakeholder relationships and engagement. International Association for Business and Society 30th Annual Meeting, 21.–24.3.2019, San Diego, USA.

Kujala, Johanna, Heikkinen, Anna, Tapaninaho, Riikka, Marjamaa, Maili & Gonzalez Porras, Lara 2019. Stakeholder interests in a transition towards sustainable circular economy. International Conference on Management Cases ICMC2019, 4.–5.11.2019, Greater Noida, India.

Kujala, Johanna, Heikkinen, Anna, Tapaninaho, Riikka, Marjamaa, Maili, Gonzalez Porras, Lara & Salminen, Hanna 2019. Stakeholders and their interests in transition towards circular economy. Poster presentation in the European Days for Sustainable Circular Economy, September 30th–October 1st, 2019, Finlandia Hall, Helsinki.

Marjamaa, Maili, Tapaninaho, Riikka, Heikkinen, Anna & Kujala, Johanna 2019. Transition toward sustainable circular economy: Stakeholder interests and interaction. Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, 12.–13.9.2019, Tampere, Finland.


Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J., Nieminen, J., Jokinen, A., Tapaninaho, R., Mäkelä, H. & Lehtonen, O. 2018. Stakeholder interests in socio-ecological engagement processes. Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 10.-12.9.2018. University of Leeds, UK.

Heikkinen, Anna, Kujala, Johanna, Jokinen, Ari, Nieminen, Jere & Kaukonen, Annina. Case green roofs in Finland: Green roof standard formation as a social process. International Conference on Management Cases ICMC2018, 29.–30.11.2018, Greater Noida, India.

Jokinen, Ari, Kujala, Johanna, Haapaniemi, Lotta & Heikkinen, Anna. Eco-innovation of a powerline company to mitigate ecological impacts. International Conference on Management Cases ICMC2018, 29.–30.11.2018, Greater Noida, India.


Kujala, Johanna, Heikkinen, Anna, Jokinen, Ari, Nieminen, Jere, Mäkelä, Hannele, Lehtonen, Outi & Tapaninaho, Riikka 2018. Towards nature-inclusive stakeholder engagement. B2N-Workshop on Stakeholders and Sustainability. 20.8.2018, University of Tampere, Finland.

Kujala, Johanna, Heikkinen, Anna, Nieminen, Jere, Jokinen, Ari, Lehtonen, Outi, Tapaninaho, Riikka & Mäkelä, Hannele. Stakeholder interests in ecosystem services. Case Vuores stormwater system. International Conference on Management Cases ICMC2018, 29.–30.11.2018, Greater Noida, India.

Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Nieminen, J., Jokinen, A., Tapaninaho, R., Mäkelä, H. & Lehtonen, O. 2018. Nature as a stakeholder: Human and non-human stakeholder engagement in urban environments.  Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 10.-12.9.2018. University of Leeds, UK.

Nieminen, J., Heikkinen, A. & Kujala, J. 2018. Kuinka tuottaa aineistoa luonnon itseorganisoitumisesta työpajatyöskentelyssä. Research Seminar on Responsible Business 14.–15.3.2018. University of Tampere, Finland.

Tapaninaho, R. & Kujala, J. 2018. Sustainability, stakeholder theory and value-creation. Research Seminar on Accounting and Responsible Business. 6.-7.2.2018. University of Tampere, Finland.


Gonzalez-Porras, Lara, Heikkinen, Anna & Kujala, Johanna 2017. Case Botnia in Uruguay: Stakeholder influence strategies. International Conference on Management Cases 2017. 30.11.2017, BIMTECH Campus, Greater Noida, India.


González Porras, Lara, Kujala, Johanna & Heikkinen, Anna 2017. Exploring stakeholder opposition and relationships in an international conflict: the analysis of Botnia case in Uruguay. EBEN Annual Conference 2017 Searching for Sustainability in Future Working Life. 14–16 June, 2017 Jyväskylä, Finland.​

Gonzalez Porras, Lara, Kujala, Johanna & Heikkinen, Anna 2017. Examining the emergence of stakeholder opposition: Case Botnia in Uruguay. Research Seminar on Responsible Business 15.–16.3.2017. University of Tampere, Finland.

Heikkinen, A., Nieminen, J., Kujala, J., Jokinen A. & Rekola, H. 2017. Stakeholder capabilities and ecosystem services in transformation: Case urban storm waters. EBEN Annual Conference 2017 Searching for Sustainability in Future Working Life. 14.–16.6.2017. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Jokinen, Ari, Kujala, Johanna, Heikkinen, Anna & Nieminen, Jere 2017. Co-evolution of cities in the production of urban green areas in Nordic cities. The 13the Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference, 6.–8.6.2017, University of Tampere, Finland.

Jokinen, A., Nieminen, J., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Mäkelä, H. 2017. The potentiality of nature-based solutions seen through ambiguities. ESP9 World Conference. 14.12.2017, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.

Jokinen, A, Nieminen, J., Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J. & Mäkelä, H. 2017. Hallinta, organisaatiot ja luontopohjaiset ratkaisut. 16.11.2017. Hallinnon ja kuntatutkimuksen tiedepäivät, Tampere, Finland

Jokinen, A., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A.,Nieminen, J., Mäkelä, H. & Tapaninaho, R. 2017. Nature-based strategies through temporalities and stakeholder networks. Urban Green Infrastructure - Connecting People and Nature for Sustainable Cities 20.–21.9.2017. Malmö, Sweden.

Jokinen, A., Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J., Nieminen, J. & Mäkelä, H. 2017. Companies and urban ecology in Nordic cities: From social parks to generation of nature-based solutions. The 13the Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference 6.–8.6.2017. Tampere, Finland

Nieminen, J., Jokinen, A., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A. & Mäkelä, H. 2017. Functions and flexibility: Ecological succession and stakeholder networks operating in stormwater design. ESP9 World Conference. 14.12.2017, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.

Nieminen, J. 2017. Functions and flexibility: companies and stakeholder networks operating in storm

water design. Urban Green Infrastructure - Connecting People and Nature for Sustainable Cities 20.–21.9.2017. Malmö, Sweden.

Nieminen, J. 2017. Generation of ecosystem services in urban storm water run-offs. Responsible Business Research Seminar 15.–16.3.2017. University of Tampere, Finland.

Nieminen, J., Jokinen, A., Kujala, J., Heikkinen, A., Rekola, H. & Mäkelä, H. 2017. Functions and flexibility: Companies and stakeholder networks operating in storm water design. The 13the Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference 6.–8.6.2017. Tampere, Finland

Tapaninaho, R. & Kujala, J. 2017. Perspectives on stakeholder value creation and sustainability: A literature review. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 6.8.2017, Atlanta, USA.

Tapaninaho, R. & Kujala, J. 2017. Sustainable value creation in future organizations: A stakeholder perspective. EBEN Annual Conference 2017 Searching for Sustainability in Future Working Life. 14.–16.6.2017. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Tapaninaho, R. & Kujala, J. 2017. Stakeholder value creation revisited. Responsible Business Research Seminar 15.–16.3.2017. University of Tampere, Finland.



Heikkinen, A. 2016. Toward stakeholder-driven ecosystem services: Business-to-nature in urban environments (B2N). 21.9.2016, JSBE seminar, Jyväskylä School of Business, Finland.


Jokinen, A., Heikkinen, A. & Kujala, J. 2016. Toward stakeholder-driven ecosystem services: Nordic trends with historical backgrounds. 16.­17.6.2016, International Conference on Business, Policy and Sustainability, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Kujala, J. 2016. Business-to-nature: stakeholder-driven value creation in ecosystem services (B2N). 23.9.2016. SuDe Network Meeting at TAMK, Tampere, Finland

Kujala, Johanna, Heikkinen, Anna & Inha, Maria. 2016. Managing stakeholder relationships: A case study of a non-profit network organisation. International Conference on Management Cases 2017. BIMTECH Campus, Greater Noida, India.


Tapaninaho, Riikka & Kujala, Johanna 2016. Sustainability and stakeholder value creation: Reviewing and categorizing the literature. EBEN European Business Ethics Network Research Conference, September, 8–9, 2016, Palermo, Italy.




Heikkinen, A., Nieminen, J., Jokinen, A., Kujala, J. & Mäkelä, H. 2013. Companies acting for urban ecological sustainability: Institutional change through business–stakeholder–nature interaction (COMPSUS). 24.­­­-25.10.2013, Sosiaalipolitiikan tutkimuspäivät (Social politics research conference), University of Tampere, Finland.

Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J., Jokinen, A., Nieminen, J. & Kaukonen, A. 2019. Green roof standard formation: Negotiating between the market and ecological interests. Responsible Business Research Seminar 13.–14.3.2019. Tampere University, Finland.

Previous selected publications on project theme

Asikainen, E., & Jokinen, A. 2009. Future natures in the making: Implementing biodiversity in suburban land-use

planning. Planning Theory & Practice, 10(3), 351-368.

Heikkinen, A. 2014. Discursive Constructions of Climate Change Engagement in Business Organisations. Tampere

University Press. link to full text.

Heikkinen, A., Kujala, J., & Lehtimäki, H. 2013. Managing stakeholder dialogue: the case of Botnia in Uruguay. South

Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 2(1), 25-37.

Jokinen, A. & Nygren, N. V. 2014. Paikallisen toimintakyvyn politiikka-analyysi [Policy analysis of the capacity for local

action]. In Häikiö, L. & Leino, H. (eds.). Tulkinnan mahti: johdatus tulkitsevaan politiikka-analyysiin. Tampere University Press.

Jokinen, A., Karppi, I. & Leino, H. (forthcoming) Co-construction of brownfield development and ecosystem services in

urban transformation. International Journal of Urban and Regional Studies.

Kujala, J. 2010. Corporate responsibility perceptions in change: Finnish managers’ stakeholder attitudes from 1994 to

2004. Business Ethics European Review 19 (1),14-34.

Kujala, J., Heikkinen A. & Lehtimäki, H. 2012. Understanding the nature of stakeholder relationships. Journal of Business

Ethics, 109 (1), 53–65.

Kujala, J., Lämsä, A.-M. & Riivari, E. 2017. Company stakeholder responsibility: An empirical investigation of top

managers’ attitudinal change. Baltic Journal of Management, 12 (2), 114–138

Kujala, J., Toikka, T. & Heikkinen, A. 2009. Communicating corporate responsibility through media. Progress in Industrial

Ecology, 6 (4), 404–420.

Lehtimäki, H. & Kujala, J. 2015. Framing dynamically changing firm-stakeholder relationships in an international dispute

over a foreign investment: A discursive analysis approach. Business & Society. Forthcoming, article DOI: 10.1177/0007650315570611.

Lehtimäki, H. & Kujala, J. 2017. Framing dynamically changing firm-stakeholder relationships in an international dispute

over a foreign investment: A discursive analysis approach. Business & Society, 56(3), 487–523.

Lehtimäki, H., Kujala, J. & Heikkinen, A. 2011. Corporate responsibility in communication. Business Communication

Quarterly, 74 (4), 432–449.

Myllykangas, P., Kujala, J. & Lehtimäki, H. 2010. Analyzing the essence of stakeholder relationships. Journal of Business

Ethics, 96 (1), 65–72.

Mäkelä H. 2013. On the ideological role of employee reporting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 24 (4–5), 360–378.

Nieminen, J. 2015. Luonnonsuojelun uudet mahdollisuudet Pirkanmaalla [Novel choices of enriching biodiversity in

Pirkanmaa]. Pirkanmaan Ely-keskus.

Nieminen, J. 2015. Hirviä ja ihmisiä – Hirven yhteiskunnallisen läsnäolon hallinta 2000-luvun alussa. Tampere University

Press. link to full text.

Nygren, N. V. & Jokinen, A. 2013. Significance of affect and ethics in applying conservation standards. Geoforum, 46,


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