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Welcome to Behind The Scenes blog

Hulevedet rikastavat kaupunkiluontoa
Viime syksynä hulevedet herättivät vilkasta keskustelua, kun Aamulehti uutisoi Tampereen, Nokian ja Lempäälän ottavan käyttöön uuden...

B2N goes conferencing: ESP9 World Conference, 11.–15.12.2017, Shenzhen, China. Part 3: Presentation
In the ESP9 World Conference, the B2N research group presented two papers. Below you can find links to the abstracts of the papers as...

B2N goes conferencing: ESP9 World Conference, 11.–15.12.2017, Shenzhen, China. Part 2: Keynotes, cu
After having crossed the border between Hong Kong and China, we arrived in the city of Shenzhen and our conference venue; the Kylin Villa...

B2N goes conferencing: ESP9 World Conference, 11.-15.12.2017, Shenzhen, China. Part 1: Kadoorie Farm
In mid-December almost our whole research group happily left the rainy Finland and headed to Shenzhen, China, to attend and present our...

Seminar report: Urban nature in Turku, 11.10.2017
Seminars and conferences with a focus on urban nature really seem to be the trend this year. Last week we (Outi and Anna) visited a...

How to govern urban diversity?
Governance issues were a stimulating topic in Malmö Conference in 20-21 September 2017. This finely arranged conference, attracting 270...

First year of B2N research: Looking back (and ahead)
It has been one year since the B2N research project on urban nature started. Now, it is time to reflect on and share our achievements so...

Stakeholder Value Creation Revisited
In the recent Responsible Business Research Seminar at the University of Tampere, we presented our ideas and synthesis on stakeholder...

What Is B2N about? An Introduction
Dear Reader, welcome to our ‘Behind The Scenes’ section. Here we keep you updated on how our research project unfolds during the next...
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