Secret garden and biking workshops in May, 2022
The Sustainable Tampere Universities Network organizes Green Campus workshops on 9.5., 11.5., and 13.5. focusing on biking facilities and a secret garden. The workshops are open for all students and staff.
Biking workshops
Join us to share and discuss your ideas for improving the biking facilities at the City center and Kauppi/TAMK campuses. The aim of these workshops is to co-create a new biking plan for both campuses, whose implementation could start in the academic year 2022-2023. The workshops will take place as follows:
Monday 9.5. at 9.00-10.30 workshop for City center campus. Location: City center campus, Pinni A1081.
Wednesday 11.5. at 9.00-10.30 workshop for Kauppi/TAMK campus. Location: TAMK H2-23
Secret Garden workshop
Join us to co-create a new design for a secret biodiversity garden at Hervanta campus. The garden will enhance biodiversity and social well-being by providing a low-key relaxing area for students and staff. The co-created garden plan will be implement during summer and autumn 2022 with members of the university community. Details:
Friday 13.5. at 9.00-10.30 in Hervanta, main building PB130A, Language center kitchen.
The workshops are open for all members of the Tampere Universities community. The languages of the workshops are Finnish and English. Coffee/tea and sandwiches available for registered participants. Registration: